Karthik Naralasetty socialblood bank

Karthik Naralasetty : The Founder of SocialBlood Bank Is A True Life Donor Who Loves The Color Of Blood

Name: Karthik Naralasetty

Date of Birth: 3rd October, 1989

Place of Birth: Andhra Pradesh

Karthik Naralasetty is an Inspiration to many:

Karthik Naralasetty is the founder of Socialblood bank. He established the social bank in 2011 and since then, things completely changed for Karthik. Socialblood bank on the web was found with the intention to make it convenient for the donors across the world. With the objective of bringing more comfort to donors, Karthik successfully also brought together the various hospitals, blood-banks and other donation organizations related to health.

Karthik was inspired by a little girl who wanted regular units of blood every month as she suffered from Thalassemia. He understood that many people are willing to donate blood, but the lengthy process and time consuming formalities prevented them from doing so. Karthik realized that it was the problem with the right channel of blood supply. His efficient and practical efforts have brought back many emotions in people’s life to donate blood.

Must watch this video : 


Karthik’s career background has really been very successful. Although he had achieved all that a man dreams about in his career life, he remained grounded and wanted to do something for the betterment of society and its people.

Prior to the establishment of Socialblood.org, Karthik served as a Head of Marketing & Design at Milaap. Earlier to Milaap, he was the Founder and President of Youth4Cause. Karthik holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration, from Acharya Nagarjuna University and also a drop out Bachelor’s Degree in Science, from New Jersey.

Motivational Factor:

Red is the colour of life for Karthik. He is a man of words and dreams. He does what he says and in fact, his actions come first followed by his words. Karthik strongly believes that most of entrepreneurs think of introducing apps to make the users’ life easy, but no one thinks about the health aspect of society. As an entrepreneur, Karthik feels he should have a solution to all the problems faced in society. This thought has truly touched me and motivated me, as not many business-minded people think about anything of this sort except generating profits for their own good.

I am truly impressed by the way Karthik has handled the social sites. Most of the time, we are on social sites like Facebook, expressing our thoughts and simply forwarding messages by liking the pages. However, it was only Karthik who took the initiative of taking the social sites to a different level for the betterment of donors. The application has saved thousands of lives and covered a network of over 4,500 members, across 19 countries.

Karthik was recognized for his work by achieving the first award of The Ashoka Staples Youth Entrepreneurship. His approach is a lighter to people who love forward to donate their blood and know that it will reach people who really need it. Many times, I have tried to donate blood but, stepped back being unsure of whether these donating banks will make a business out of it, or really reach the needy.

Karthik Naralasetty socialblood bank founder
Image credit : facebook

After reading about Socialblood Bank, I am relieved that now I can think of doing this social cause on a regular basis. Karthik’s efforts are not limited to one country. The team has reached various countries, irrespective of the community and boundaries. Being a youngster himself, Karthik values the true meaning of life. His creative ideas has inspired various youngsters and ensured that they all follow some good deeds of donating some units of blood to the needy.

Karthik is inspired by world renowned politicians like; Obama, Winston Churchill and a few others. Karthik is one of the rare businessmen, who think of society’s progress. He wasn’t ready initially to launch the concept in India as here, the hospitals expect the patient’s family to arrange for the blood; however, overseas the hospitals help the patients to find a proper blood bank. This difference was taken into granted by the Google President, who further encouraged Karthik to introduce the concept in India too.

The project was launched as an add-on by Karthik and he never thought this would become his soul objective to serve people. Socialblood is progressing at a rapid speed, and so is the awareness among people to take it forward. In my opinion, Karthik is a ‘ONE MAN SHOW’. At a tender age, he has done things and achieved success that people take ages to accomplish.

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